Try out the new XAMPP welcome page

We are working on a new Welcome page for XAMPP and we need your help! You can you can see the current version at Dashboard. We are improving our current "FAQs" and adding new "How to" guides. We posted some suggestions for new guides at ApacheFriends forum. If you have any comments or suggestions for the new welcome page, please don't hesitate to post in the forum. Your feedback will help us improve XAMPP!. If you have any comments or suggestions for the new welcome page, please don't hesitate to post in the forum. Your feedback will help us improve XAMPP!


Welkom bij XAMPP voor Windows!

U hebt XAMPP succesvol op dit systeem geïnstalleerd!

U kunt nu beginnen met het gebruiken van Apache en de bijbehorende pakketten. Als eerste kunt u »Status« proberen op de linker navigatie-balk om na te gaan of alles goed werkt.

Na het testen kunt u de voorbeelden onder de link 'test' bekijken.

Als u wilt beginnen met programmeren in PHP of Perl (of wat dan ook) kijk dan eerst in de XAMPP handleiding en leer daar meer over uw XAMPP installatie.

Ook OpenSSL wordt ondersteund. Gebruik a.u.b. het Testcertificaat op URL of op https://localhost

Install applications on XAMPP using Bitnami

Apache Friends and Bitnami are cooperating to make dozens of open source applications available on XAMPP, for free. Bitnami-packaged applications include Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla! and dozens of others and can be deployed with one-click installers. Visit the Bitnami XAMPP page for details on the currently available apps.

Bitnami XAMPP page

XAMPP Hosting

XAMPP provides an ideal local development environment, but is not meant for production deployments. We want to make hosting PHP applications created with XAMPP as easy as possible. Visit our Hosting page for reading our documentation.